Ο Τορναρίτης ζήτησε την επαναφορά της Αγίας Σοφίας σε μουσείο, καυτηριάζοντας τη στάση της Τουρκίας
Ο Κοινοβουλευτικός Εκπρόσωπος του Δημοκρατικού Συναγερμού και επικεφαλής της Κυπριακής αντιπροσωπίας στην Κοινοβουλευτική Συνέλευση του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης (ΚΣΣΕ), κ. Νίκος Τορναρίτης, συμμετείχε χθες, μέσω τηλεδιάσκεψης, σε συνεδρία της Επιτροπής Πολιτισμού, Παιδείας, Επιστημών και ΜΜΕ της Συνέλευσης. Στην εν λόγω συνεδρία συμμετείχε και ο βουλευτής της ΕΔΕΚ κ. Κωστής Ευσταθίου.
O κ. Τορναρίτης ενημέρωσε την Επιτροπή για την επιστολή διαμαρτυρίας που απέστειλε στον Πρόεδρο της Συνέλευσης, κ. Rik Daems, τον περασμένο Ιούλιο, αναφορικά με την μετατροπή της Αγίας Σοφίας σε τζαμί. Ο κ. Τορναρίτης επεσήμανε τις διχαστικές συνέπειες αυτής της απόφασης, που αντιβαίνουν, όπως ανέφερε, βασικές αρχές και αξίες του Οργανισμού. Τονίζοντας την παγκόσμια εμβέλεια και ακτινοβολία του μοναδικού αυτού μνημείου, ο κ. Τορναρίτης υπογράμμισε ότι η αλλαγή του μουσειακού καθεστώτος τόσο της Αγίας Σοφίας όσο και της Μονής της Χώρας, συνιστούν πράξεις πολιτιστικού ξεκαθαρίσματος, οι οποίες ταυτόχρονα υπονομεύουν τον κοσμικό προσανατολισμό και την πολυπολιτισμικότητα του Τουρκικού κράτους. Κάλεσε δε τα μέλη της Επιτροπής να ενεργήσουν άμεσα για την προάσπιση των αρχών της θρησκευτικής ανεκτικότητας και ποικιλομορφίας, οι οποίες αποτελούν βασικούς πυλώνες δράσης της ΚΣΣΕ.
Ο κ. Τορναρίτης υπέβαλε εξάλλου, σχετική γραπτή δήλωση για το θέμα, η οποία αναμένεται να υιοθετηθεί από τα μέλη της Επιτροπής κατά την επόμενη συνεδρία της.
Λευκωσία, 15 Οκτωβρίου 2020
Ακολουθεί πιο κάτω το γραπτό κείμενο της παρέμβασης του κ. Τορναρίτη καθώς και η σχετική γραπτή δήλωση που υποβλήθηκε στην Επιτροπή:

Intervention on Hagia Sophia
Mr. Nikos Tornaritis – Chairperson of the Cyprus Delegation to the PACE
Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media
14 October 2020
Dear Chairperson, dear Colleagues,
Following up on the letter I addressed to the President of the Assembly on 13 July 2020, regarding the conversion of Hagia Sophia from a museum into a mosque, I wish to bring this important matter also to your attention, as it is of direct relevance to the work of this Committee.
The conversion of the museum of Hagia Sophia into a mosque was followed soon after by the equally wrong decision of the Turkish government to convert the museum of the Church of Chora in Istanbul, also into a mosque. I am sure that we all agree that there is absolutely no need for more mosques in a city with over 3000 active mosques.
The issue is far more complex than that.
One of our member states, Turkey, has utterly ignored calls by the international community not to change the status of this magnificent monument of universal appeal and significance. This former church, mosque and museum has stood as a universal example of religious and cultural diversity, a splendid symbol of the Christian faith and an architectural masterpiece. Its inclusion on UNESCO’s world Heritage List as a Museum bears testimony to its universal heritage and its enduring influence on Western and Eastern Art.
What used to be a symbolic place of encounter, dialogue, and mutual understanding between Christianity and Islam, accessible to all, has now become another reason of confrontation between Turkey and the civilised world. Transforming this monument exclusively into a mosque makes it an obstacle rather than an asset to democratic life and order. This is a discriminatory step backwards, that clearly undermines Turkey’s secular identity and multicultural legacy.
This Committee has adopted important Reports on religious freedom, living together in a democratic society and intercultural dialogue.
How does the decision of the Turkish authorities impact on our commitment to build inclusive democratic societies?
It is crucial that we find ways for people of different faiths and beliefs to peacefully co-exist in diverse societies by protecting human rights for all, safeguarding the rule of law and guaranteeing religious freedom.
How do we make sure that the principles of neutrality and equality regarding religion and religious communities are implemented by public authorities in all member states?
As a multicultural organisation by definition, we need to build cohesive societies that are receptive to diversity and react decisively to negative developments, like the ones pursued by Turkey.
These are core issues for the PACE, that we could elaborate in a written statement on behalf of the Committee, if Members agree.
Thank you.
Draft written declaration on Hagia Sophia
(on behalf of the Committee on Culture or members of the Committee)
Proposal by Mr Nicos Tornaritis, Chairperson of the Cyprus Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
The compromise of the status of Hagia Sophia, in Istanbul, from a museum into a mosque on 13 July 2020 is indicative of Turkey’s disregard of cultural and religious values. This monument, one of the most significant World Heritage Sites and a legendary symbol of the interaction between civilizations and coexistence of cultures bears testimony to its universal heritage and its enduring influence on Western and Eastern Art. The violation of the sanctity of this inheritance of mankind is reprehensible and cannot stand. It is also a discriminatory step backwards, that clearly undermines Turkey’s secular identity and multicultural legacy.
This decision also runs counter to the Assembly’s core values and principles, particularly as regards religious freedom and intercultural dialogue. As a multicultural organisation by definition, we need to build cohesive societies that are receptive to diversity and find ways for people of different faiths and beliefs to peacefully co-exist in diverse societies by protecting human rights for all, safeguarding the rule of law and guaranteeing religious freedom.